The ESPN broadcast of Saturday night’s USC-Utah game lost its cameras with 4:47 remaining in the third quarter, before the broadcast finally returned to normal with one minute remaining in the quarter. This would make for a difficult situation on any broadcast, but especially when announcers are calling the game remotely — due to the pandemic — as ESPN’s Dave Flemming and Rod Gilmore were in this one.

A technical difficulties graphic popped up on the screen out of the commercial break, and Flemming said, “We are experiencing some technical difficulties. We lost our cameras, which, Rod, it is hard to televise a football game without cameras. So we’re working on it.”

Flemming and Gilmore then improvised, and basically turned it into a radio broadcast while reading play-by-play off of a gamecast. This is some serious dedication to the craft:

And here’s the return to televised game action:

The good news is that there were no scoring plays missed while the cameras were out.

But everything about this incident summarizes both 2020 and Pac-12 After Dark quite well.

About Matt Clapp

Matt is an editor at The Comeback. He attended Colorado State University, wishes he was Saved by the Bell's Zack Morris, and idolizes Larry David. And loves pizza and dogs because obviously.

He can be followed on Twitter at @Matt2Clapp (also @TheBlogfines for Cubs/MLB tweets and @DaBearNecess for Bears/NFL tweets), and can be reached by email at