"The Pat McAfee Show" controversy unexpectedly led to normally reserved co-host A.J. Hawk being savaged on social media Friday. Photo Credit: ESPN A.J. Hawk. Photo Credit: ESPN

On a day The Pat McAfee Show made lots of news, even the one man associated with the show who normally keeps a low profile, co-host A.J Hawk, couldn’t avoid the negative spotlight.

The show has been under intense scrutiny all week, following regular guest Aaron Rodgers’ off-the-cuff remark about ABC late-night host Jimmy Kimmel worrying about being on Jeffrey Epstein’s passenger list (he was not, in fact, listed in the documents).

After Kimmel threatened legal action, McAfee didn’t do himself or the show any favors when he defended Rodgers, saying he was trying to make a joke.

The situation somehow got even worse Friday, when McAfee referred to top ESPN executive Norby Williamson as a “rat” who was trying to “sabotage” the show. ESPN also kinda-sorta apologized to Kimmel.

Brutal hot takes about McAfee and the show filled X/Twitter Friday, and Hawk was not immune to the firestorm of criticism. Many questioned the former NFL star’s role with the show, others claimed he is too much of a “Yes Man,” and others wondered why he doesn’t step forward to stop McAfee or guests when they cross the line.

Everyone seemed to think he should increase his speaking role. As one X/Twitter user noted, “I’ve seen an hour’s worth of clips from this show and I’ve never seen A.J. Hawk talk once. He always looks like the news reporter that’s just waiting to hear that they’ve gone live.”


Of course, regular viewers of the show would tell you that Hawk does lots of things, like, smoke cigars. And…other things.


[Photo Credit: ESPN]

About Arthur Weinstein

Arthur spends his free time traveling around the U.S. to sporting events, state and national parks, and in search of great restaurants off the beaten path.