CBS scorebug CBS’ new scorebug, which earned mixed reviews during the Super Bowl, has not aged well in the eyes of many fans. Photo Credit: CBS Sports

CBS Sports’ new NFL scorebug might have, pardon the expression, a few bugs to work out.

The new scorebug debuted during Super Bowl LVIII and drew mixed reviews, as some viewers liked it, while others hated it.

But the scorebug got another showing in Sunday’s Denver Broncos-Arizona Cardinals game, and reviews trended more negative.

Social media users threw around terms such as “ugly,” “stinks,” “terrible,” “awful,” etc.

It’s not unusual for fans to respond when a network changes a scorebug. ESPN unveiled a new scorebug for its 2024 college football coverage, to generally positive reviews.

Some fans might be amused that others can get so worked up about scorebugs. For many, they’re nothing but background noise, barely noticeable. Others, however, dissect a scorebug with the eye of a graphic arts designer.

The most specific complaints about the new CBS bug involved the choice of font.

For reference, here’s a look at previous CBS scorebugs.

To be fair, some viewers complimented the new look.

Perhaps CBS could tweak the font a bit. Or it could stand pat. As we’ve seen with past complaints about new scorebugs, fans quickly get used to the new look.

[CBS Sports]

About Arthur Weinstein

Arthur spends his free time traveling around the U.S. to sporting events, state and national parks, and in search of great restaurants off the beaten path.