ESPN personality Bomani Jones and Fox Sports personality Clay Travis have both been known for extensive Twitter wars with both prominent sports media figures and regular users, so it only makes sense that they finally went to war with each other. That happened Thursday, with Travis citing a new poll for the basis of an Outkick The Coverage post titled “Native Americans Aren’t Offended By Redskin Name, PC Bros Riot,” which happened to use a photo of Jones wearing his controversial “Caucasians” shirt on Mike and Mike and mentioned “the PC bros and their daft leader Bomani Jones, who I murder every time I engage with on Twitter.” Travis then mentioned Jones on Twitter, Jones took exception to that, and it set off a nuclear flame war between the two and their various supporters:

Travis’ decision to use “scalps” in a discussion about the Redskins’ name while calling Jones racist (perhaps he subscribes to the “ESPN employs some of the biggest racists in sports” beliefs of Wednesday’s Outkick The Show guest Curt Schilling?) is an interesting move, and it’s notable that certain forks have proven very effective. The levels these two go to in taking shots at each other (and those who support the other person) are quite something in general, but they’re both known for strong, controversial and attention-getting takes, and from very different perspectives than each other, so it’s maybe not all that surprising to see them fight this way.

Perhaps this will end with Travis and Jones getting a debate show on FS1? “The PC Bro And The Walmart Skip Bayless?” That would certainly seem to fit with Jamie Horowitz’s Fox News model. Until that happens, though, we’ll just have to be content with seeing them yell at each other on Twitter, and losing brain cells from following their conversations. It seems unlikely this will be their last public fight.

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About Andrew Bucholtz

Andrew Bucholtz has been covering sports media for Awful Announcing since 2012. He is also a staff writer for The Comeback. His previous work includes time at Yahoo! Sports Canada and Black Press.