25. Phoenix Suns – 2.03
-Steve Albert (play by play)
-Eddie Johnson (analyst)
-Ann Meyers Drysdale (analyst)
Most popular grade: C (29.95% of voters)
Analysis: Albert is a legend. This crew runs on understated humor and sharp analysis. Despite receiving a healthy cut of Bs and Cs, the Suns crew pulled in less than 12 percent As, the third-lowest rate of any crew in the poll.
Reader comments:
@awfulannouncing I'd like to break down my Suns vote. Steve Albert solid veteran but just avg., C. Eddie Johnson tremendous, A. B total
— Chris Lewis (@chrislewisASU) January 21, 2016
@awfulannouncing The Suns whole crew is terrible, except Al McCoy (who has been calling games since the '70s) has been relegated to radio
— AKD_56 (@AKD_56) January 21, 2016
24. Miami Heat – 2.09
-Eric Reid (play by play)
-Tony Fiorentino (analyst)
Most popular grade: A (25.00% of voters)
Analysis: For comparison’s sake, Reid and Fiorentino, a solid crew, received As from a quarter of the voters, lifting them above the Suns booth. Voters were largely split on the Heat, however, as more than 68 percent of the vote was divided between As, Cs, and Fs.
Reader comments: “One of the best in the NBA, these guys are awesome. Initially, the Kaboom and the Kabosh can get a bit annoying but everything else they do is flawless. They’re very knowledgeable about the teams and strategies. Outside of Breen and Eagle, Reid is least biased pbp guy in the NBA. Fiorentino adds humor and insight to the team. They’re all around great.” – Drunckle
23. Memphis Grizzlies – 2.12
-Pete Pranica (play by play)
-Sean Tuohy (analyst)
-Brevin Knight (analyst)
Most popular grade: B (25.71% of voters)
Analysis: A seasoned crew gets marginally penalized for bouts of homerism — namely Tuohy’s tendencies to overemphasize the abilities of the Grizzlies against whomever they’re playing. Enough voters were underwhelmed by this crew that garnishing more than 25 percent Bs still left them firmly in the bottom 10.
Reader comments: n/a. Poor Grizzlies.
22. Utah Jazz – 2.15
-Craig Bolerjack (play by play)
-Matt Harpring (analyst)
Most popular grade: A (27.96% of voters)
Analysis: I’m a fan of Bolerjack and Harpring. It’s well-documented Harpring is a former Jazz, but with that said, his proud declaration of “JAZZ NATION” might be responsible for the crew’s lower grades. Despite the crew’s high percentage of As, they also received the fourth-highest raw number of Fs.
Reader comments:
@awfulannouncing Jazz: Bolerjack uses too many old cliches. "Houdini" very dated. D- Harpring actually brings some fun to the games. B
— Danny Summers (@DSummers13) January 19, 2016
21. Indiana Pacers – 2.16
-Chris Denari (play by play)
-Quinn Buckner (analyst)
Most popular grade: B (25.55% of voters)
Analysis: The results were spread all around: the Pacers crew received more than 21 percent As, Bs, Cs and Fs. To be sure, this is very solid crew. Buckner has gained fame for his motor mouth and his defense-first catch phrase — SMOTHERED CHICKEN! — which I understand might perturb the meek and humble.
Reader comments: “Chris and Quinn will definitely not appeal to everyone’s tastes, but the way they talk about the game appeals to their Midwest market and I think it’s a more perfect fit than other teams.” – jlandz09
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