Albert Breer Screen cap of Albert Breer

Albert Breer is known for his NFL reporting, from The Boston Globe to NFL Media to his current role at Sports Illustrated‘s The MMQB, and that’s probably what most of his 374,000 Twitter followers are expecting. On Thursday, they got something very different: a long series of explicit tweets about porn, including a bunch belittling Breer and saying he would quit his job to work in porn (which means this is a very reasonable “he was hacked” conclusion, unlike many others). Breer has apparently regained control of the account and deleted the porn tweets, but his bio remained vandalized as of 6 p.m. Eastern Thursday. Here’s a screengrab of the first batch of tweets in question, with his last normal tweet from Tuesday, Aug 9 at the bottom. (Warning: explicit content).

Albert Breer 2

It got even weirder from there:

Albert Breer 7

Albert Breer 3

Then, the account went to false death announcements:

Albert Breer 4

Before swinging back into porn:

Albert Breer 5

Albert Breer 9

As mentioned above, Breer has since regained control of the account and deleted those tweets. However, his bio remains hacked:

Albert Breer bio

It’s unclear why anyone would want to hack Breer’s account to tweet about porn, but it’s unclear why anyone would want to do many things on the internet. Breer will likely be back to his normal football coverage soon. But he might want to change that bio.

Update: Frank Caliendo got hacked by the same people!

Frank Caliendo hack

When will this war on NFL personalities cease?

[Albert Breer on Twitter]

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About Andrew Bucholtz

Andrew Bucholtz has been covering sports media for Awful Announcing since 2012. He is also a staff writer for The Comeback. His previous work includes time at Yahoo! Sports Canada and Black Press.