While Carrie Underwood is sticking around to greet us on NFL Sunday nights in the Fall, she will be singing a different tune as NBC plans to change the theme song to Sunday Night Football this upcoming season.

As NBC enters its second decade of NFL Sunday night rights, the network felt a change was right on the SNF intro. Singers ranging from Pink to Faith Hill have been singing a variation of Joan Jett’s I Hate Myself for Loving You during the Sunday Night Football intro since NBC got NFL rights in 2006. Executive Producer Fred Gaudelli wanted to update the theme song even though he knew many fans wanted to keep the traditional theme. Gaudelli said, “The song had lasted 10 years, but I didn’t know how much more we could stay with the song without it feeling routine.”

Carrie Underwood replaced fellow Country music star Faith Hill and has been singing the SNF theme since 2013. The new Sunday Night Football and now Thursday Night Football theme will sound a bit familiar to Underwood’s fans because it’ll be a version of her 2014 hit Somethin’ Bad that she sang with Miranda Lambert.

So that means the new SNF theme will sound something like this.

You can tell the song sounds well suited to get fans fired up to watch a football game. Underwood said, “It has such a great stomp-clap, a ‘We Will Rock You’ kind of feel to it. This is such a high energy song.”

With new lyrics that are more football related than the original as well as filming with NFL players, Underwood is set to be filming the new intro with the new theme song soon in anticipation to premiere the new intro before NBC’s first Sunday Night Football game of the season on September 11 between the New England Patriots and Arizona Cardinals.


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About Phillip Bupp

Producer/editor of the Awful Announcing Podcast and Short and to the Point. News editor for The Comeback and Awful Announcing. Highlight consultant for Major League Soccer as well as a freelance writer for hire. Opinions are my own but feel free to agree with them.

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