Fox Sports Wisconsin wants you to know about Hernan Perez (he’s a guy on the Brewers) spending some time with his son at the ballpark. It’s a cute story to fill some time during pregame and Perez’s son does have a pretty sweet swing for a two year old.  But unfortunately the eagerness to share this story led to this typo spotted by Daniel Lavender.

Nobody is looking. You can snicker at this mistake like a twelve year old for a few seconds before putting your adult face back on. You deserve this moment of levity.

Fox Sports Wisconsin was really quick to get this down, but NOT FAST ENOUGH to avoid this post that is probably stressing out the poor social media intern and his or her boss. It’s okay! We know they weren’t boning! Honest mistake, just one that plays well to the dormant twelve year old who yearns for these type of incidents as well as playing laser tag and Super Nintendo.

Now if you want to watch something more wholesome, here is the the actual story without implicating Henan Perez for terrible sex crimes (this second tweet just avoided bonding altogether which I get).

About Ben Koo

Owner and editor of @AwfulAnnouncing. Recovering Silicon Valley startup guy. Fan of Buckeyes, A's, dogs, naps, tacos. and the old AOL dialup sounds