Cris Collinsworth

Despite the cancellation of Any Given Wednesday, Bill Simmons is still being as fiery as ever on Twitter. He decided to enter football analyst mode Sunday, blasting Cris Collinsworth’s Sunday Night Football praise of the Seahawks’ offensive line and saying the Patriots have a weak front seven.

On Monday, Collinsworth fired back by making fun of the cancellation of Simmons’ show. He’s since deleted the tweet, but here’s what he said, and how much attention it gained before he deleted it:

Collinsworth tweet

That’s a pretty good response from Collinsworth, and it’s interesting he deleted it. Perhaps he got criticism for piling on? But it doesn’t seem like an unreasonable response given the shot Simmons took at him. It’s also notable that he weighed in here considering that Simmons didn’t tag him (the 373 retweets probably got it on his radar, though), and that he doesn’t often engage with critics. Apparently Simmons is worth a response, though, even if he no longer has a show. Let’s just hope Collinsworth elects to leave any further responses up for a little longer so we can all enjoy them.

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About Andrew Bucholtz

Andrew Bucholtz has been covering sports media for Awful Announcing since 2012. He is also a staff writer for The Comeback. His previous work includes time at Yahoo! Sports Canada and Black Press.