It’s been quite the Olympics for the BBC’s Dan Walker. Walker’s BBC4 late-night set on Copacabana Beach got crashed by a bachelorette party Sunday, and goings-on in the background of his set produced a social media stir Thursday, with it looking to much of the world like the couple in the background was having sex. Walker described it on the air (with a smile) as them “reading a book,” though:

“For those asking what’s going on in the background on social media now, we’re not going to zoom in, but rest assured, it’s not…it’s not that. It’s just a hug. They’re reading a book, apparently they are reading a book. They’re reading a book in a strange pose, okay? It’s merely a book. We’ll find out what the book is, maybe, a little bit later on. We’re not going to go any closer than that, though! So, some live basketball for you…”

Walker then chimed in on Twitter with a superb hashtag:

Thanked readers for their unbroadcastable hashtags:

And followed up with a great post Friday:

This has been quite the Olympics for Walker, with his desk seemingly attracting all the background scenery. The regularly-passing-by garbage men, which can be seen in the same shot above, have become a recurring feature of Walker’s coverage, too. He’s dubbed them the #Copacabinmen, which has taken off on Twitter. Via BuzzFeed’s Scotty Bryan, here’s a still of one of Walker’s segments on the bin men:


And Walker has turned into quite the Brazilian celebrity, especially thanks to his interview with the bachelorette party:

The bachelorette party was great, but “reading a book” is perhaps a broadcasting career highlight. What sort of book were they reading, the Kama Sutra? Some British sitcom needs to take this and run with it, adding it to the great and diverse lists of British euphemisms. Say no more.

About Andrew Bucholtz

Andrew Bucholtz has been covering sports media for Awful Announcing since 2012. He is also a staff writer for The Comeback. His previous work includes time at Yahoo! Sports Canada and Black Press.