IF you watched any football over the weekend, you may have noticed an ad or two… or four thousand dedicated to daily fantasy sports companies DraftKings and FanDuel. Earlier this year we prophesied that an advertising siege from these companies was coming given the daily fantasy boom and just how much money is in this completely-legal-and-totally-not-gambling-but-still-kinda-gambling enterprise. And it just so happens that DraftKings spent more money on television advertising than any other company recently, including giants like AT&T, Warner Brothers, and McDonald’s.
And what better occasion to continue this advertising blitzkrieg than the first Sunday of the NFL season, where there were more minutes spent on DraftKings and FanDuel ads than actual football. (That may be hyperbole, but it may not be.) There is simply no escape from DraftKings or FanDuel ads and our only hope is that they will at least continue through 2016 and buy up all the time that would normally be spent on political ads.
As always, these are Real Tweets from Real People…
Can anyone in Canada tell me whether @FanDuel and @DraftKings are advertising up there? Considering where I can move to get away from this.
— Neil Best (@sportswatch) September 13, 2015
Time to win my $2 Billion on Draft Kings/Fan Duel that the 10,000 commercials have told me will happen immediately
— Robert Littal BSO (@BSO) September 13, 2015
Ok I've watched and read everything. I've got draftkings v fanduel in Super Bowl 50
We wait 7 months for this.
Enjoy the season !!— MikeTirico (@miketirico) September 13, 2015
Every single Fan Duel and Draft Kings commercial makes me cringe for my gender.
— Ramzy Nasrallah (@ramzy) September 13, 2015
I'm convinced that Draft Kings and FanDuel are sponsoring every sports show segment and every other ad. #spending
— Michael Fabiano (@Michael_Fabiano) September 13, 2015
.@FanDuel @DraftKings what would it cost to get you to stop advertising for 5 consecutive minutes? is 5 minutes too much to ask? seriously.
— Danny (@recordsANDradio) September 14, 2015
"I wish Draft Kings did even more commercials!" said absolutely no one in the world.
— Rusty Miller (@RustyMillerXAP) September 14, 2015
* This post is not sponsored by DraftKings or FanDuel, but maybe it should be. We like money too! *
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