Katie Nolan has made a habit of calling out fellow members of the sports media like Rick Reilly and Peter King. On Sunday night’s Garbage Time, she turned the target towards her own network.
Nolan delivered this essay about an article that appeared on the Fox Sports website under Clay Travis’ Outkick the Coverage sub-brand. Travis basically has carte blanche to publish whatever he wants at Fox and that includes an article by Rebecca Johnson entitled “How to Land a Husband at The Masters” that predictably fell under heavy criticism because, well, you’ll never read an article about how to land a wife at a major sporting event and what the appropriate amount of cleavage is for men to show at said sporting event.
literally the stuff of my nightmares http://t.co/cvSji8Vqps pic.twitter.com/e5YhVS4QvA
— Caitlin Kelly (@caitlin__kelly) April 10, 2015
That criticism included Fox colleague Nolan, who tried to take Travis’ advice and take a “light-hearted” approach to the article. That meant sarcastically tearing the article limb from limb and included more helpful advice on how to land a husband at other major sporting events.
Honestly, Fox should be embarrassed to have such stereotypical rubbish taking space on their website, but the network is probably thinking that having Katie Nolan shred a terrible article on Clay Travis’ website is a great way for Fox Sports to finally get some publicity.
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