On the heels of their documentary series titled Rise as One which showed viewers unique soccer stories from around the world, Budweiser and FOX Sports have teamed up once again for a new four-part documentary series titled Uncompromising. Beginning on Thursday, May 14th on Fox Sports 1, the series will unveil the unconventional routes four different athletes took in their rise to stardom.

The four athletes featured are Kevin Harvick, Kyrie Irving, Ronda Rousey and Tim Howard.


Harvick’s episode will highlight not only his driving in NASCAR, but also his venture into team ownership and the struggles which came with balancing family life with the demands of athlete management. Irving’s episode will touch on his severe knee injury at Duke and the path he took before being named the NBA Rookie of the Year. Rousey’s episode will show her amazing to becoming the first female face in UFC and Howard’s will show how the goalkeeper became a leader on the U.S. Men’s Soccer Team despite battling Tourette’s and OCD.

Melissa Forman, the SVP of Development at FOX Sports, commented on the four athletes they selected:

“We’re excited to bring these athlete’s stories to light in unique ways. We’ve brought in a group of exceptional production partners to enhance these four shows and are eager to roll them out over the next several months. Fans will get insights and revelations about these athletes that they’ve never gotten before.”

About David Rogers

Editor for The Comeback and Contributing Editor for Awful Announcing. Lover of hockey, soccer and all things pop culture.

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