ESPN’s Britt McHenry returned to work on Saturday, and issued another sincere apology on Twitter.
Back to work. Excited to be covering Caps-Isles today. Now that the suspension is over, I want to say again (cont)
— Britt McHenry (@BrittMcHenry) April 25, 2015
The tweet, in its entirety, reads as follows:
Back to work. Excited to be covering Caps-Isles today. Now that the suspension is over, I want to say again that I’m so sorry for my recent hurtful actions. My remarks were completely out of line. Under no circumstances is it ever acceptable to speak to another human being in the manner in which I chose that night. That’s not who I am as a person and hope those who only know me from this incident will give me a second chance to prove to you how much I value integrity, character and treating people with respect. –Britt
Her apology seems sincere. McHenry’s role as the Internet Scapegoat should hopefully come to an end. A lot of responses to her apology were very rude, and that is just a drop in the bucket. She has been eviscerated on social media since the release of that video. Many of the tweets directed at her are vulgar and sexist in nature. Whatever McHenry did in that video, it doesn’t justify receiving tweets like those. Just look at the responses to McHenry’s tweet above for a small sample.
At what point can we move on from this? It should probably be about now. The problem with social media shaming is that no one ever thinks it will happen to them. So we engage in it, while we think we are immune to it, and we never think about how it would be if the roles were reversed. Regardless of what people think of McHenry’s actions, it’s time to question why we wouldn’t accept her apology, especially after multiple ones.
In a world where the internet is throwing a fit over a fictional character getting killed off a show, I think we should be able to move on from someone at ESPN showing bad judgement. I mean, Stephen A. Smith still has a job, doesn’t he?
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