You take your appearances when and where you can get them. Barry Melrose who makes various random cameos on ESPN’s SportsCenter to help with sparsely-run NHL highlights walked onto the Bristol, CT set Wednesday adorned with goggles and clutching empty champagne bottles to celebrate the Toronto Blue Jays win in the American League Championship Series. Melrose was playing the role of the Happy Canadian in the Blue Jays victory.
It was truly bizarre as Melrose walked onto the set pretending to be out of champagne asking for Joe Carter’s phone number and then venturing past anchors John Buccigross and then Jon Anderson in a moment that really has to be seen to be believed.
Was it scripted? Of course it was. Did it work? That’s totally up to your point of view, but suffice to say that we know which team Barry is rooting for in the American League Championship Series. When Barry yelled “One more round! One more round,” it could mean not just another step for the Blue Jays but perhaps another round of champagne.
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