Without an actual sports channel, Turner always finds itself in a pickle when airing annual big time sporting events.  Usually this manifests as a channel’s regular audience freaks out upon finding out that The Big Bang Theory (reruns mind you) have instead been replaced by gasp….playoff baseball.

But tonight we were treated to an even more comical audience freakout as viewers on TNT and TruTV found themselves confused and outraged that the broadcasts of the Final Four they were watching were actually the new experimental school themed Teamcasts intended as secondary options to augment the traditional broadcast which was over on TBS.

Viewers unfortunately didn’t seem to notice the absolutely massive school branded Teamcasts logos and peppered Twitter and Turner sports personalties to complain (all the while little did they know, hitting the channel up or down button would have remedied their outrage).

A normal sports media personality would have tried to massage the situation a bit. But Charles Barkley (god bless him) went the other way and decided to cut into the normal halftime discussion to give a heads up to those watching and complaining that they’re idiots.


While pretty funny from many angles, unfortunately Barkley’s rant likely didn’t help the situation given “the idiots” were over on TruTV and TNT and not enjoying his rant on TBS. Still though, a rant of Barkley calling viewers idiots is probably better than most halftime show banter and was probably funnier than TBS’s supposedly “Very Funny” programming.

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About Ben Koo

Owner and editor of @AwfulAnnouncing. Recovering Silicon Valley startup guy. Fan of Buckeyes, A's, dogs, naps, tacos. and the old AOL dialup sounds