Today’s podcast features a lenghty, in-depth interview with Josh Elliott of NBC Sports. Elliott recently moved to the peacock after a succesful run at Good Morning America saw that show vault over Today to become the number one morning show in the land. Now Elliott serves as a features reporter across a variety of NBC sports and news platforms. We spent a lot of time talking about the Ray Rice story and the credibility crisis facing the NFL as well as his time in morning show television and his future at NBC. Topics include…
– Why this story (Ray Rice-NFL-domestic violence) has resonated with so many in becoming a mainstream sports and news story.
– Being in San Francisco for Sunday Night Football, what the reaction is to the ongoing Ray McDonald and Greg Hardy cases in relation to Ray Rice.
– The pressure mounting on Roger Goodell and whether or not he should lose his job.
– Whether or not this credibility crisis will affect the league’s popularity in any way.
– The larger cultural issues in sports that need changed when it comes to equality.
– Josh’s move from GMA to NBC and the defining factor that led him to a new opportunity.
– His desire to be a great teammate at NBC Sports and what may be in his future at the network. I tried really hard to get Josh to say whether he would rather have Bob Costas’ primetime Olympic job or Matt Lauer’s Today hosting gig, but he deftly handled my line of questioning.
– The ability to tell stories in sports and news and the crossover between working in both.
– The feature story he would most like to do (on Lionel Messi) and his proudest story to date (Steve Gleason).
All that and so much more on this edition of the AA Podcast.
For more from Josh, follow him on Twitter @JoshElliott32.
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