All year long, CNN host, Arsenal supporter, and former Fox Soccer contributor Piers Morgan has whined, complained, griping, grumbling, and crying about Arsenal selling star striker Robin Van Persie to rivals Manchester United. As one would expect, RVP was a key figure in United winning the title once again. In fact, he led the league with 26 goals this season. In between his ranting at Arsene Wenger and the Arsenal borad, Morgan took repeated shots throughout the year at the man he dubbed "Van Pursestrings." A brief selection from the season…
What a sickening betrayal of Wenger too – the man who stood so loyally behind @persie_official through years of injury. #VanPursestrings
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) August 15, 2012
With every goal #VanPursestrings scores for United, another little piece of me dies inside. He's slowly killing me.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) January 13, 2013
Van Pursestrings scores on my birthday? Thanks again #IvanTheTerrible #WengerTheSeller
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) March 30, 2013
I'm actually trembling with fury. #VanPursestrings
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) April 22, 2013
This is like waiting to see a girl who cheated on you walk out with the men she cheated with – and be expected to cheer. #VanPursestrings
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) April 28, 2013
I just threw up. Literally. #VanPursestrings…
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) April 28, 2013
Morgan's tweets became quite the entertaining sideshow throughout the season as some players (like Man United's Rio Ferdinand) even taunted him on Twitter with the hashtag #Tears4Piers becoming something of an established trend.
Finally, the man at the center of it all – Robin Van Persie, got his jab in at the melodramatic host of Piers Morgan Live. RVP sent Morgan a signed photograph of himself kissing the Premier League trophy.
'Piersy my man, thanks for all the support! You made this day even more special! All the best, Van Pursestrings.'…
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) May 24, 2013
Side 2: 'Great to be a champ.. so many #Tears4Piersy '…
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) May 24, 2013
Well played Mr. Van Persie, well played.
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