
Anyone who reads Deadspin knows that the site does not go out of its way to be PC or use appropriate language and the writers do not hold back on how they feel. And why should they? Part of Deadspin's success comes from the writers not playing favorites and telling it like it is.

Donald Trump is obviously not familiar with the site. He is, however, someone who thinks far more of himself than anyone else, and felt the need to compliment Deadspin on their work regarding the Manti Te'o fake girlfriend story

Deadspin, however, did not want his praise, and whoever runs the site's Twitter handle made that apparent:

Deadspin's response made me laugh. Trump is not exactly known for being nice or logical, and most of his tweets are ridiculous – ranging from vague business advice to his opinion on whatever the hot news of the minute to OH MY GOD HE MET KATHERINE WEBB.

Katherine, I would like to quote Whoopi Goldberg in Ghost – you in danger, girl.

Anyway, back to Trump and Deadspin. Trump did not appreciate Deadspin's response, and went on a little rant:

That, sir, is false.

That sir, is also false.

You will be shocked to learn that statement is not accurate.

Part of what makes Trump so infuriating is that he probably hadn't even heard of Deadspin before this week and now claims to know they won't be successful because of one tweet, when that tweet is part of the reason they ARE so successful. And Trump has never been known for being nice (unless you're a female under 30, apparently).

Trump's response to Deadspin is the equivalent of a high school guy getting turned down for a date and then telling everyone why he never liked the girl to begin with.

We won't be lucky enough to see Trump stop tweeting such inane things, but bravo to Deadspin for truly speaking their mind. At least Trump isn't in search of any Deadspin writer's birth certificate… yet.

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About Reva Friedel

Reva is a staff writer for Awful Announcing and the AP Party. She lives in Orange County and roots for zero California teams.