I’ve tried my best to not give you any Tiger news that you haven’t heard already (and that has me posting zero items on it), but I couldn’t skip past this nugget from CBS analyst Ian Baker-Finch. In an interview he did with the Sidney Morning Herald, Finch basically said there has been a gag ordered by the “Eye”….

Former British Open champion and respected CBS golf commentator Ian Baker-Finch has been gagged by the US network from talking about Tiger Woods’ dramatic fall from grace.

“Mate, if I say one word about Tiger I will get fired,” Baker-Finch said before playing in Australia’s richest one-day pro-am at Wynnum Golf Club today.

Well, I hate to say this to Ian and the folks at CBS, but if you don’t talk about it this year, you’re not going to have many viewers. I mean, you’re not going to have many anyway, but you mind as well try for as many as you can if you ask me.

Baker-Finch gagged about commentating on Tiger (Sydney Morning Herald)

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