I saw this item last week and chalked it up to some dumb Sports Shock Jock just trying to start controversy, but it seems it was just insensitive to get him suspended indefinitely. Pittsburgh’s ESPN Radio host Mark Madden made a joke about Ted Kennedy’s brain tumor in which he said he was upset because he hope that the Senator “would live long enough to be assassinated.” ESPN is having none of it….
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette quoted Madden as saying that he had hoped Sen. Edward Kennedy “would live long enough to be assassinated.” The Massachusetts Democrat has a malignant brain tumor.
Madden made the remark during his show Wednesday. The show has aired weekdays from 3 to 7 p.m. on 1250 ESPN. Madden was last heard on the air Thursday, the day before his comments appeared in the newspaper.
ESPN spokesman Josh Krulewitz said the network removed Madden from the air “pursuant to our contractual rights.” He said the comment was inappropriate and that ESPN and Madden had apologized to listeners.
Of course that’s a horrible thing to say, but ESPN’s supsensions and firings always amaze me. Haven’t Sports Radio hosts around the Country said much more hurtful and controversial things than this? I’m not condoning the comment in the least, but it seems that ESPN bases their suspensions solely on the backlash and press the comments receive rather than creating a standard of behavior and sticking to it.
Pittsburgh-area radio host removed after Kennedy remark (AZ Central)
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