Well that was quick wasn’t it? On the heels of Brett Favre’s press conference this morning, where he admitted to talking with Matt Millen before the Packers-Lions, ESPN has decided to lift it’s “Favre Embargo”. The topic has been running on Sports Center all morning and here is video of both the press conference and one of ESPN’s many updates on it….
Shane Bacon over at Fanhouse says that the story was mentioned almost immediately following the press conference earlier this morning, and that they’re all over the story now. I decided to ask on of AA’s sources over at the “Leader”, and Shane’s assessment appears to be right on. Expect updates on the situation throughout the day on NFL Live, ATH, PTI and the late editions of Sports Center.
As far as the decision itself, I just don’t understand it at all. While I get that ESPN has to keep all of their “ducks in a row”, they very easily could have reported it as a “rumor” from the beginning, and avoided this whole mess. I actually feel bad for the anchors now because they are the ones that will come out looking bad. It’ll be interesting to see how Trey Wingo handles it on “Live” this afternoon.
In the end, I think everyone needs to just know that Brett Favre will always be looking out for number one, and you just can’t believe a word the guy says. It’s really unfortunate that ESPN feels they have to cater to someone like that.
FYI- I added the Glazer audio to the post earlier today if you want to hear it just click the link below, or scroll down….
Dan Le Batard Sides With Jay Glazer (Awful Announcing)
ESPN Has Decided to Report the Brett Favre/Lions Story (Fanhouse)
So Here’s Why ESPN Completely Ignored The Jay Glazer-Favre Story (Awful Announcing)