(Usually) Everyday I’ll throw out a photo, you provide the caption, and then hilarity ensues. I’m also adding a handful of links at the bottom of the page that you should check out each day.

Yesterday’s Winners….

“To everyone’s amusement, Eli Manning showed up to his wax statue unveiling in full uniform.”- Drew

“The one quarterback more immobile than Testaverde.”- Anon

“Eli Manning poses with the wildly unpopular Eli Manning Sex Doll”- Anon

“No, you mad scientist! I wanted the OTHER son cloned.”- Archie

Are you funny enough to create a caption for this photo of the Oakland A’s rookies being hazed?

Daily Links:

How Do You Say Goodbye To Matt Millen? (A bit NSFW) (Tirico Suave)
Or You Can Say It This Way (Ryan Parker)
A Look Into The History Of Merkle’s Boner (Gelf)
Brady Quinn (The Sports Hernia)
Choo Gets Bent Over (Sox and Dawgs)
Idaho State Is Credentialing Blogs (Eye On Sports Media)
What Could The Raiders Be Hiding? (The Play In CA)
The Cubs Are Guaranteed To Lose In The Playoffs After This (Homerun Derby)
Best. License Plate. Ever. (Fan IQ)
What Does $100 Million Dollars Get You? 100 Losses. (The Big Picture)
An Interesting Race Walking Scandal (Steady Burn)
Ovechkin On ESPN The Mag (Going Five Hole)
Mike & Mike Transcribed (The Money Shot)

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