(Usually) Everyday I’ll throw out a photo from the AP or one of the bigger sites and you provide the caption. Hilarity ensues. I’m also adding a handful of links at the bottom of the page that you should check out each day.

Yesterday’s Winners….

“Jimmy Kimmel will do anything for attention (Refer to #87)”- Oh No Romo

“Welcome to the 2008 edition of ‘Calvacade of Losers'”- JK

“How in the world did a Jets fan figure out how to spell Gholston?”- Anon

“What?! Jets fans not booing their draft picks?! Somebody start looking for the four horsemen.”- pmelchre

Are you funny enough to create a caption for this photo of Tim Tebow visiting the House of Representatives?

Daily Links:

TSH Got A Mention On SportsCenter! (The Sports Hernia)
Only Cool People Attend The Draft (Joe Sports Fan)
If The Hawks Win Is This The Biggest Upset Ever? (Hell Yes Guy)
The 25th Anniversary Of Lee Elia’s Tirade (Fan IQ)
Alex Smith Is Sad (The Play in CA)
Tigers Fans Start Drinking Young (Deuce of Davenport)
Wait, The Rays Are In First? (Rumors and Rants)
Talladega Camermen Are Perverted (Uncoached)
More On Clemens And His “Relationship” (NOIS)
Larry Brown Is Crazy (The Howeva Files)