I can’t really find fault in the whole NBC “Going Green” thing (because it’s obviously a good thing), but was there possibly a way they could have been less annoying with the process? I for one immediately think of doing the opposite when Bob Costas tell me what to do, but that’s just me. Glow sticks, 20 minutes of no lights, and Matt Lauer at the North Pole….makes me want to change the world!

I think the best line I’ve read about last night came from the Realests….

“We’re thinking of having Cris Collinsworth wear a miner’s helmet with a light,” says show producer Michael Weisman, seemingly serious. “And have candles. Or maybe Glow Sticks.” Weisman added that “We’re opening ourselves up for ridicule and sarcasm.”

You mean by turning your halftime show into a rave? Really, you think? We have a better idea to go green: Turn off Football Night in America. Man, we’re geniuses.

I agree. The whole time I was just begging them to turn the power to their mics off as well. You know what else would help the earth. If you nixed half of your “Studio Team” and donated their salaries to “Save the Rain Forests” or whichever charity was “in” at the time.

“Sunday Night Is Football Night In America” is the worst studio show in Sports, and that’s saying a lot when Emmitt Smith is your competition.

Crap Night In America Just Got Worse (The Realests)
NBC studio show holds creepy vigil for crappy season (The Sports Hernia)

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