(Usually) Everyday I’ll throw out a photo from the AP or one of the bigger sites and you provide the caption. Hilarity ensues. I’m also adding a handful of links at the bottom of the page that you should check out each day.

Yesterday’s Winners….

“Hey D-Bizzle, when are you going to feed that spice bizzle you been poppin?”- H-Town

“Becks: “I can’t understand a word this guy is saying. Doesn’t he speak English”
Snoop Dog: “I can’t understand a word this guy is saying. Doesn’t he speak English.””- Jay

“Dad, you said we’d be meeting the best football player in the world. Who the fuck is this this guy?”- Anon

“USC is my favorite team. No, wait. Dallas is my favorite team. No, I love the Galaxy. Yeah, the Galaxy. Are there any more bandwagons I can jump on to help revive my pathetic career?”- Anon

Are you funny enough to create a caption for this photo of Bud Selig and George Mitchell getting ready to address the media at 2pm tomorrow? (The pic is old but it still works…..I’ll try to get video up from that right away for those of you at work tomorrow.)

Daily Links:

They Are Who We Thought They Were, Trademarked (Sports Biz)
Random: It’s Me Every Girl You’ve Ever Met! (Craigslist)
The Best Beer Pong Tables Ever Invented (Beerblog via Extra Mustard)
Yardbarker Is Starting An ASG Campaign, Vote Or Die! (Yardbarker)
Great Story On Some NFL Podcasters (OC Register)
The Chiefs Meet Led Zepplin (Arrowhead Addict)
Which Hoosier Is Having A Worse Go Of It (Rumors and Rants)
T.O. Getting Into The Exercise Equipment Game (Hawg Sports)
It’s Orton Time Baby! (Tickets of America)
Playoff Time For The C4 News League (Signal To Noise)

Lastly……Blog Show 31 gets some special correspondants!