So the whole ‘sphere knows that Coward begged listeners to crash The Big Lead’s site yesterday (I’m not linking it so there’s a break in the hits). Well I’m going to keep a running Photolog of his webcam today. Let the photoshopping begin! I’ll replace these with the best….feel free to email them to

The Official New Name for the douchebag: Shrutebag.

Update: Thanks to Awful Officiating we now have Colin’s MySpace Page.

Update #2: Yep….the cup pictures are him doing “magic” for the camera. He also did the thumb trick, and is drinking Fresca. F’ing Fresca!!!

Update #3: Mondesi’s House has info on another little feud Cowherd has going on.

And that’s your show. No mention of TBL or an apology of any kind. Their site is back down again by the way. So here’s your assignment AAers.

We’re having a Photoshop Contest with wiked prizes to be announced. Everyone send your entries in this weekend, and I’ll pick the winner early next week. Hopefully this new photo can become Colin’s new “Official” photo for these here interwebs.

I’m leaving this post up to end the week. I think it’s only appropriate. OMDQ, and Extra P will lead you through the darkness the rest of the weekend. Send those Photoshops!