IndyCar driver Will Power would like to give us a very special introduction to this week’s Screengrab Snafus…

Oh my, come to think of it that’s not very pleasant at all.  Let’s move on, shall we?

In that same vein, one newspaper evidently had a bad encounter with tennis great Roger Federer.  I always thought he was quite the gentleman, perhaps I was wrong though…

Actually, I believe it’s German for “The Bart The.

Can you spot the error in ESPN’s Monday Night Headquarters, hyping the first matchup of the regular season?  This one takes a little effort to find…

And finally, you may have seen this obnoxiously horrifying video of those Alabama sorority girls.  Well, chose to go in this unfortunate direction with their headline about the video…

That was your week in Screengrab Snafus, next time be careful out there!!